Opname masterclass

One step closer to your passive dream

Zo, ik had me toch vaak een 'aha' moment. Fijn hoe je stap voor stap meegenomen wordt in jouw strategie en hoe je het bruggetje maakt naar hoe ik dit kan toepassen.
Ads Specialist

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Opname Masterclass1


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Opname Masterclass  × 1 7,00
Subtotaal 7,00
BTW 1,47
Totaal 8,47
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What members are saying

Since I joined the program officially celebrating hitting the $160K+ milestone!

Rachelle Martin

Financial Coach

Officially celebrating hitting the 500 students in my course!

Angela Morales

Personal Coach

Officially celebrating hitting the $80K milestone in my biz!

Maria Jane

Founder Digital Agency

Since I joined the community officially celebrating hitting the $120K milestone in my biz!

Laura Anna

Business Coach